Cisco IOS IKEv1 VPN Legacy Crypto Map with Pre-shared Keys

In this section we will configure a pair of Cisco IOS routers to communicate over IPSec using IKEv1 using the older crypto map style of config and pre-shared key authentication

It is assumed that the router already has basic IP connectivity to the public WAN and all private interfaces are configured. The default route is also assumed to be via the public WAN.

  1. Define the pre-shared key for the remote peer
  2. Define the Phase 1 ISAKMP policy
  3. Define the Phase 2 IPSec Proposal and set the VPN encapsulation method
  4. Define the Encryption Domain for the traffic which should be sent over the VPN
  5. Combine all the various settings into a crypto map
  6. Apply the crypto map to the public WAN interface

Configuration Steps

Step 1: Define the pre-shared keys

crypto isakmp key <psk> address <ip-of-peer>

Step 2: Define the Phase 1 ISAKMP policy

crypto isakmp policy <priority-number>
  encryption <encryption-algorithm>
  hash <integrity-algorithm>
  group <dh-group>
  lifetime <seconds>
  authentication pre-share

Step 3: Define the Phase 2 IPSec Proposal

crypto ipsec transform-set <ts-name> <encryption-algorithm> <hashing-algorithm>
  mode tunnel

Step 4: Define the Encryption Domain

To define the traffic to be encrypted an ACL needs to be created.

Each entry in this access list will create a new Phase 2 Security Association which will take up resources on the VPN gateways. Where it is possible to do so summarisation of networks should be done and also avoid the use of per-host ACE’s or those specifying individual ports and protocols (interface ACLS should be used for that purpose)

access-list <acl-id-or-name> permit <local-net> <local-wildcard> <remote-net> <remote-wildcard>

Step 5: Define the crypto map

crypto map <cm-name> <seq-number> ipsec-isakmp
  match address <acl-id-or-name>
  set transform-set <ts-name>
  set security-association lifetime seconds <seconds>
  set peer <ip-of-peer>

Step 6: Bind the Crypto Map to the receiving interface

interface <type><slot/num>
  crypto map <cm-name>

Complete example

The example below is based of the below topology:


Insert topology image

On the VPN Hub configure the following:

crypto isakmp key mysecretkey address

crypto isakmp policy 10
  encryption aes
  hash sha
  lifetime 86400
  group 14
  authentication pre-share

crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES128-SHA1 esp-aes 128 esp-sha-hmac
  mode tunnel

ip access-list extended EACL-R1-TO-R2
  permit ip

crypto map CM-PUBLIC-WAN 10 ipsec-isakmp
  match address EACL-R1-TO-R2
  set peer
  set transform-set ESP-AES128-SHA1
  set security-association lifetime seconds 28800

interface FastEthernet0/0
  crypto map CM-PUBLIC-WAN

On the VPN Spoke configure the following:

crypto isakmp key mysecretkey address

crypto isakmp policy 10
  encryption aes
  hash sha
  lifetime 86400
  group 14
  authentication pre-share

crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES128-SHA1 esp-aes 128 esp-sha-hmac
  mode tunnel

ip access-list extended EACL-R2-TO-R1
  permit ip

crypto map CM-PUBLIC-WAN 10 ipsec-isakmp
  match address EACL-R2-TO-R1
  set peer
  set transform-set ESP-AES128-SHA1
  set security-association lifetime seconds 28800

interface FastEthernet0/0
  crypto map CM-PUBLIC-WAN


Once the VPN configuration has been applied, it will likely be necesary to generate some traffic which matches the encryption domain in order for the vpn establishment to start.

In this example we have a loopback interface configured on both the hub ( and spoke ( so initiating a ping between these hosts should be sufficient.

Because the Hub could be busy with dealing with other VPNs, lets does this on the spoke instead as follows:

ping source

The first few pings are likely to fail whilst the VPN is coming up but after that they should reply without issue.

If the pings are replying we can probably assume that the VPN is up but how do we know for sure.

Firstly lets check if the Phase 1 SA is up:

show crypto isakmp sa detail

The output should be similar to that below:

C-id  Local           Remote          I-VRF  Status Encr Hash   Auth DH Lifetime Cap.
1001            ACTIVE aes  sha    psk  14 23:59:53

If the status is showing a ACTIVE that is good as it means the VPN is believed to be stable and no further action is being taken. If is saying anything else it could indicate the VPN is having issues or that it is renegotiating (such as during a rekey after the lifetime has expired).

We can also see that the Phase 1 properties have negotiated to what we configured.

Assuming all is well, lets check that packets are being successfully encrypted and decrypted as follows:

show crypto ipsec sa peer

And the output should then be as follows:

interface: FastEthernet0/0
  Crypto map tag: CM-PUBLIC-WAN, local addr

 protected vrf: (none)
 local  ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
 remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
 current_peer port 500
   PERMIT, flags={origin_is_acl,}
  #pkts encaps: 9, #pkts encrypt: 9, #pkts digest: 9
  #pkts decaps: 9, #pkts decrypt: 9, #pkts verify: 9
  #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
  #pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0
  #pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0
  #send errors 0, #recv errors 0

   local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:
   path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb FastEthernet0/0
   current outbound spi: 0xA464B844(2758064196)
   PFS (Y/N): N, DH group: none

   inbound esp sas:
    spi: 0xAA697053(2859036755)
      transform: esp-aes esp-sha-hmac ,
      in use settings ={Tunnel, }
      conn id: 5, flow_id: 5, sibling_flags 80004040, crypto map: CM-PUBLIC-WAN
      sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4311956/28771)
      IV size: 16 bytes
      replay detection support: Y
      Status: ACTIVE(ACTIVE)

   outbound esp sas:
    spi: 0xA464B844(2758064196)
      transform: esp-aes esp-sha-hmac ,
      in use settings ={Tunnel, }
      conn id: 6, flow_id: 6, sibling_flags 80004040, crypto map: CM-PUBLIC-WAN
      sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4311956/28771)
      IV size: 16 bytes
      replay detection support: Y
      Status: ACTIVE(ACTIVE)

The key information here, is whether packets are being encrypted and decrypted. If they are all is well and no futher action should be necessary.

Other details that can be found out are whether the correct encryption and hashing is in place, whether PFS is being used, if reply detection is enabled and finally the remaining lifetime of the IPSec SA.

The SPI’s shown for both the inbound and outbound direct can be useful when performing packet captures as part of troubleshooting as they are not encrypted so can be used to identify a given VPN connection where possible a few are coming from the same IP address (e.g. with multiple ACE entries in the encryption domain)


Problem: ISAKMP SA state reports ‘MM_KEY_EXCH’ and remote peer reports ‘%CRYPTO-4-IKMP_BAD_MESSAGE: IKE message from <ip> failed its sanity check or is malformed’

Solution: Verify that the pre-shared key is configured correctly on both peers.

Problem: Report peer reports ‘phase 1 SA policy not acceptable!’ and local peer does not establish an ISAKMP SA.

Solution: Verify that both peers have a matchin Phase 1 Policy, encryption, hashing and DH group need to be the same on at least one policy.